Banana Zhi Person Ma Fragrance Cake Banana&cream Cheese Muffin

1:11 AM

Banana Zhi Person Ma Fragrance Cake Banana&cream Cheese Muffin

  • Big banana 2
  • Egg 2
  • Fine saccharic 100g
  • Melting butter 110g
  • Butyric 60ml
  • Sweetgrass essence Tsp of 1 tea spoon
  • Tsp of spoon of tea of sodium bicarbonate ½
  • Bubble makes noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch Tsp of 1 tea spoon
  • 140g of weak strength flour
  • Butyric cheese 100g
  • In strength flour 3 spoon Tbsp


1.All need that feed capable person put room temperature to leave mix of lukewarm reentry travel ahead of schedule. 2. The oven temperature of everybody can have some of difference in temperature, master bake time so according to his oven, perhaps your oven needs to bake 20 minutes or 30 minutes.

  1. Preparation feeds capable person
  2. Oven warm-up goes to 170 degrees, 12 Lian Mafen is baked dish put paper cup to get ready.
  3. Prepare drier, hit bubble the mix in big bowl of pink, soda pink and low pink is even.
  4. Preparative egg is burnt, butter, fine essence of saccharic, egg, herb, butter and banana enter the agitate in a big bowl even.
  5. Join drier to continue agitate until cannot see unripe flour can.
  6. Prepare Zhi person paste, butter cheese, fine saccharic, egg, medium strength flour enters a big bowl in and mix is even.
  7. Good agitate panada papers 1/3 by 1/3 egg paste of egg of Zhi person burnt 1/3 divides Ma fragrance to bake equably dish in.
  8. Send oven 170 degrees of 20-25 that bake minute, or till the surface golden, toothpick is inserted it is OK without unripe panada to be taken among cake.

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