Banana Zhi Person Ma Fragrance Cake Banana&cream Cheese Muffin
1:11 AM
Banana Zhi Person Ma Fragrance Cake Banana&cream Cheese MuffinIngredients
- Big banana 2
- Egg 2
- Fine saccharic 100g
- Melting butter 110g
- Butyric 60ml
- Sweetgrass essence Tsp of 1 tea spoon
- Tsp of spoon of tea of sodium bicarbonate ½
- Bubble makes noodles or vermicelli made from bean or sweet potato starch Tsp of 1 tea spoon
- 140g of weak strength flour
- Butyric cheese 100g
- In strength flour 3 spoon Tbsp
- Preparation feeds capable person
- Oven warm-up goes to 170 degrees, 12 Lian Mafen is baked dish put paper cup to get ready.
- Prepare drier, hit bubble the mix in big bowl of pink, soda pink and low pink is even.
- Preparative egg is burnt, butter, fine essence of saccharic, egg, herb, butter and banana enter the agitate in a big bowl even.
- Join drier to continue agitate until cannot see unripe flour can.
- Prepare Zhi person paste, butter cheese, fine saccharic, egg, medium strength flour enters a big bowl in and mix is even.
- Good agitate panada papers 1/3 by 1/3 egg paste of egg of Zhi person burnt 1/3 divides Ma fragrance to bake equably dish in.
- Send oven 170 degrees of 20-25 that bake minute, or till the surface golden, toothpick is inserted it is OK without unripe panada to be taken among cake.
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