Summer is Colorful Snow of Think of Sb With Respect

11:07 PM

Summer Is Colorful Snow Of Think Of Sb With Respect

  • Snow of think of sb with respect of # pineapple green lemon
  • Aspic pineapple 200g
  • Green lemon juice 1 spoon
  • Qing Ning is chip 3
  • Honey is optional
  • Snow of think of sb with respect of pineapple of # bizarre fruit
  • Aspic is bizarre fruit 180g
  • Aspic pineapple 50g
  • Bizarre fruit chip is right amount
  • Honey is optional
  • Snow of think of sb with respect of yoghurt of banana of # firedrake fruit
  • 100g of aspic firedrake fruit
  • Aspic banana 100g
  • Put yoghurt 130ml on the ice
  • Banana chip is right amount


Tips: 1. Can according to the fruit sweet degree right amount add honey Oh! 2. The cup is mural fruit piece basically have adornment effect, impact of flavour of speak or sing alternately is not big, it is OK that oneself is done elliptically. But if consider sunken model, fruit piece must cut quite thinly, just stick firmly! 3. With the fruit that will do snow of think of sb with respect, should first refrigerant hit divide evenly again too, the snow of think of sb with respect of make it is met more continous is close icy Oh.

  1. Snow of think of sb with respect of green lemon of 1 | pineapple
  2. STEP 1: Green lemon section, adornment is on cup wall, refrigerant reserve.
  3. STEP 2: Pineapple flay stripping and slicing.
  4. STEP 3: Will after pineapple is refrigerant, with one spoon blueness lemon juice puts arrange machine agitate together even.
  5. STEP 4: Good agitate fruit juice falls into the cup, with adornment of a few rosemary.
  6. Snow of think of sb with respect of pineapple of 2 | bizarre fruit
  7. STEP 1: Yangtao flay stripping and slicing.
  8. STEP 2: Yangtao cuts chip, after decorating a cup of wall refrigerant reserve.
  9. STEP 3: Will after yangtao, pineapple is refrigerant, mix of Ingredients manage machine is even.
  10. STEP 4: Good agitate fruit juice falls into the cup.
  11. 3 | Snow of think of sb with respect of yoghurt of firedrake fruit banana
  12. STEP 1: Banana flay section, after decorating a cup of wall refrigerant reserve.
  13. STEP 2: Stripping and slicing of firedrake fruit flay.
  14. STEP 3: Banana flay stripping and slicing.
  15. STEP 4: Arrange machine is put after fruit of banana, firedrake is refrigerant, put yoghurt on the ice into 50ml.
  16. STEP 5: Mix of all raw material is even.
  17. STEP 6: Good agitate fruit juice falls into the cup, put yoghurt on the ice to make decoration into the rest 80ml.

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