10 Measure Teach You to Eat Crab

12:50 AM

10 Measure Teach You To Eat Crab

  • Crab

  1. Break the hilum of crab first come down.
  2. With scissor of 8 feet of scissors general crab and 2 crab clamp. Put cool hind the flesh and crab case are separate, be given very easily by the top or epispastic, want to stay to finally to eat so.
  3. Uncover crab case again.
  4. Drench in past crab carapace juice of vinegar of a few ginger, eat off the ovary and digestive glands of the crab. Remember, the lower part of crab mouth has the place of taper of a triangle, that is crab stomach, cannot edible.
  5. In crab there is to show a hexagonal account other people among the body, that is crab heart, great Cold, cannot edible.
  6. With the crab mouth with will redundant scissors and crab lung (crab body both sides assumes eyebrow capillary position) cut off.
  7. With small spoon dip the vinegar that nod ginger drenchs go up in crab body, cream the crab of the ovary and digestive glands of the crab of crab body next eat clean, break crab body again two half.
  8. The flesh that gets on crab body is torn open piece eat off, taking clean crab case is to submit translucent form.
  9. Cut crab leg into 3 cut with scissors, most end tiptoe of a crab can act as tool.
  10. A the tiptoe that use crab is thick that crab leg before paragraph fleshy top comes out. As to crab clamp, cut open both sides with shears, it is OK to break two clamps leg to opposite way again part crab clamp.

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