Suckle Sweet Yam Cake

12:51 AM

Suckle Sweet Yam Cake

  • Yam (after flay) 110 grams
  • Milk 110 grams
  • Pink of polished glutinous rice 140 grams
  • White sesame seed is right amount
  • Coffee 100 benefit are sweet butter (or maple syrup, honey) right amount
  • Olive oil is right amount


Of ground rice of glutinous of milk quantity basis bibulous and different and increase and decrease, it is OK to want not to stick a hand to be able to hold a group only

  1. Yam dig silk adds pink of milk, polished glutinous rice to knead a group
  2. Cent becomes 6 rub circle
  3. Go up in dish right amount white sesame seed, press yam group on sesame seed flat
  4. Decoct of two sides of cake of small firebrand yam is ripe in sticking boiler to put right amount olive oil to use
  5. The OK and proper butter that irrigate a dot or maple syrup, honey

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