Cake of Light Actor Case
4:03 AM
Cake Of Light Actor CaseIngredients
- Yoghurt 200g
- Egg 4
- 50g of low muscle flour
- 25g of jade rice starch
- Fine saccharic 70g
- Lemon juice 4
- yoke and albumen depart, yoghurt (it is lactobacillus barmy yogurt certainly, caky model not caky perhaps do not have alleged, but cannot be lactic acid beverage) in putting a basin, each yoke, the next is added again after every add divide evenly of agitate of a yoke. If be the classmate that minds egg fishy smell particularly,can joining one small spoon right now bright Mu wine perhaps adds essence of a few herb to perhaps add a few citric essence, if right now you say these,nevertheless you are done not have… then I do not have method, you add bit of citric skin to cut try, if you do not have citric Pi Dao? That… … I am complete can find no way out.
- The sieve enters low muscle flour and jade rice starch, z glyph agitate is not had to pink of have nothing to do with agglomerate, join divide evenly of two lemon juice agitate.
- After albumen adds two lemon juice (mind egg raw meat or fish to be able to add citric essence right now particularly or sweetgrass energy goes raw meat or fish) , cent second join saccharic hit to drying epispastic, salver buckles albumen to also won’t flow. (warm-up oven begins when adding candy the 2nd times 160 degrees) alleged drying is epispastic namely, eggbeater is carried can form erect the small needle that does not fall, although the salver that installs albumen is buckled come over albumen also won’t have a bit flow.
- In joining the egg white of 1/3 yoke to paper, j glyph breaks up mix even hind rejoin the albumen of 1/3, again mix is even
- In the basin that answers a moment ago panada odd albumen, mix gently even. Do not want excessive agitate, the movement when agitate wants gentleness
- The mould that falls to spread good oilpaper (height of square mould of 24 × 24CM about 7cm) . Oven is the most rock-bottom put those who install 8 minutes of full water to bake dish, put grill in penult layer, put upper mould to provide, 160 degrees bake 70 minutes. (my oven has 5, if your oven is too small, have three-layer only, that can try to be being baked dish li of outfit water, put the pattern that fills cake in water to bake next, this moment if you say, is what you use vivid bottom mould swollen do? Do then you try the tinfoil on outer biscuit to look? But bake come out I dare not assure what result, because I had not tried,cannot speak carelessly)
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