Sweet and Sour Spareribs
11:21 PM
Sweet And Sour SpareribsIngredients
- Chop 500g
- Amylaceous 3 spoon, pea starch
- Rock candy is controlled 15 grains, white sugar also of Ok, not kink!
- Vinegar 3 spoon
- Salt 1 spoon
- Often draw 2 spoon (can do not have actually, I had tried, often did not smoke besides color may not quite nice smell was not differred)
- Boil of conflagration of water, chop is entered inside the stockpot, continue to boil into a few salt mature to chop, dry moisture of fish out drop is stand-by
- Take a bowl additionally, into amylaceous, vinegar, old smoke, salt, rock candy, take agitate of soup of right amount chop to become flavour juice equably stand-by
- Fry boiler to enter bottom oil [flourishing of big baked wheaten cake] , into chop [break up quickly fry] to chop skin extensive fizzles out, [turn small fire] drench tasty juice, continue to break up fry to Shang Zhishui gas closes work to wrap chop of full lovely drop to be done equably decide
- Install dish of Sa Zhi hemp, burn two sesame oil, the measure that this element makes up purely is negligible ~
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