Sweet and Sour Spareribs

11:21 PM

Sweet And Sour Spareribs

  • Chop 500g
  • Amylaceous 3 spoon, pea starch
  • Rock candy is controlled 15 grains, white sugar also of Ok, not kink!
  • Vinegar 3 spoon
  • Salt 1 spoon
  • Often draw 2 spoon (can do not have actually, I had tried, often did not smoke besides color may not quite nice smell was not differred)


! ! ! ! Drench finally tasty juice before must turn small fire! ! ! Turn small fire! ! ! ! ! ! ! Starch must not use corn starch! ! ! ! Meeting cup provides! ! ! Can! Cup! Provide! 1. Actually the chop that boil is boiled 8, 9 maturity are good, but novice control is bad and easy chop is not ripe finally, boil ripe cough up to affect simply so not quite. Additional, float foam is made when remembering water boil, chop soup hits a Shang Cai much sweeter ah ^_^ 2. A ginger is added to be able to make the flesh some tenderer when boiling 3. The quantity of flavour juice makes reference only, put actually how by individual taste love put how 4. Chop fat is much when frying chop because him fat can give oily Da,put bit of oil less 5. Remember drenching finally before tasty juice again agitate, because the starch in flavour juice, candy is put in that,meet a little while heavy bottom. Additional the extraction about flavour juice the quantity of chop soup, actually not important. The word of average experienced person, take a bowl small to break up quickly casually fry work to go. Do not have the novice of several really, take the water that can have done not have chop partly the amount is similar, water quantity is to be able to be lengthened more cross extension time just. 6. Candy can use white sugar crystal sugar red go, my individual likes rock candy hey hey ~ 7. Like to take sick at heart, one spoon vinegar can fill before closing fire to give boiler oh ~

  1. Boil of conflagration of water, chop is entered inside the stockpot, continue to boil into a few salt mature to chop, dry moisture of fish out drop is stand-by
  2. Take a bowl additionally, into amylaceous, vinegar, old smoke, salt, rock candy, take agitate of soup of right amount chop to become flavour juice equably stand-by
  3. Fry boiler to enter bottom oil [flourishing of big baked wheaten cake] , into chop [break up quickly fry] to chop skin extensive fizzles out, [turn small fire] drench tasty juice, continue to break up fry to Shang Zhishui gas closes work to wrap chop of full lovely drop to be done equably decide
  4. Install dish of Sa Zhi hemp, burn two sesame oil, the measure that this element makes up purely is negligible ~

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